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Apart from participating in the local leagues in Hong Kong, potential players were selected to represent our club and travelled to Las Vegas in 2014, 2016 and 2017, undergone American style basketball training by the local coach and participated in matches with local teams. In July of 2017, we, the 1st Hong Kong basketball team, competed in the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) basketball tournament in Las Vegas and gained precious experience.

To promote and enhance the basketball development in our teenagers with enthusiasm, we are opening our first ever August training camp to the public! We have the pleasure of working with AAU League champion the US Huskies Youth Sports Club and their coaches to share their experience in training, development of technique, teamwork and tactics. The Vegas camp will be run by experienced coaches with AAU Certified & USAB coaching licenses from Huskies & Commodores organizations, who led several AAU teams to compete in local tournaments over the past few years.

If you are between the age of 13 to 19 years old (boys or girls) and wants to train in the States, contact us for details on how to join!! More information will be announced soon!!

Over the last few seasons, our club has won the championship at Hillen Youth Basketball League U17 level for 3 seasons; first runner-up in the U19 level in another local league for 2 seasons, and champion in U16 level in 2017.

The team is currently divided into different sub-teams, including the 20U, 17U, 16U, 15U Boys and Girls teams. In addition, the club is also forming a new 14U Boys team and a Beginners class division.

HK Commodores 球會除了無間斷的恆常訓練, 參與不同本地公開賽事, 最重要就是到美國跟當地教練, 球會及球員交流及集訓。球員於2014年和 2016年夏季遠赴美國拉斯維加斯進行特訓,與當地精英球員進行友誼賽。及至2017年7月更成為首隊香港球隊於當地參加全國AAU 聯賽,超過250支球隊參加此一年一度盛事,球員們除了都取得寶貴的驗,更重要的是可以見識到籃球霸主 – —美國獨有的特色,與別不同的籃球風氣和團體精神,此機會實在難能可貴。

今個暑假將會是 Commodores團隊第四次到美國作兩星期集訓;我們十分慶幸能夠繼續與美國球會兼AAU聯賽冠軍隊Huskies合作,邀請其教練團邀請其教練到香港提供指導和訓練,讓本地熱愛籃球的青少年有機會拓闊眼界,參與美國正統籃球訓練,藉此提升其技巧和體能;教導全面基本技術和籃球意識,以及美國五對五比賽的風格和戰術。

7月中 被教練團挑選的Commodores成員會再次代表球會參加AAU 美國高中學界巡迴賽。

8月初 歡迎球會現役成員或任何 13-19歲青少年球員 報名參與Vegas集訓團。

(詳情請Direct Message 球會Instagram查詢!!)

*人數有限, 加上申請美國簽證需時, 所以請從速報名!

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