2019年回顧 Commodores於2019年繼續擴張, 突破: 球會旗下所有梯隊合共打了共94場香港本地以及海外比賽, 超過過百場的練習; 球會再次遠赴美國參與AAU賽事及集訓, 遇上現伇的NBA入樽王, 打出了最團結的比賽球會也持續擴展不同年齡既梯隊組別, 吸納香港不同區既中小學生加入這個大家庭, 每週進行最少兩至三課室外/室內場練習, 而且也定期舉辦球會聚會, 增進感情以及參加義工服務為社會作出貢獻。而我們的女子隊更打破往屆宿命, 先後奪得第七及第八屆驍籃女子籃球聯賽D1組別冠軍
2019亦為香港社會動盪, 充滿變化的一年。香港青少年都在此時此地參與了令全球關注的運動, 身為球會的負責團隊亦會尊重各隊員的意願, 但必會將他們的安全放在首位。
球會踏入2020年, 期望新一年球會在本地賽事可以再創佳績, 成員可以繼續不斷進步, 參與更多各式各樣既練習模式, 突破自己既界限, 一齊推動籃球, 在香港打出一片天!!
Saying goodbye to 2019: Team Commodores hope that everyone is enjoying a fresh start to the year of 2020. The club continues its successes as we welcomed plenty of new members into our team-oriented basketball family; we made tremendous strides in our annual Team Vegas Basketball Camp & AAU tournament competitions, highlighted by strong plays and memorable finishes along with a truly unified squad. Hardwork, hustle and chemistry were on display as we fought our way to wins. Furthermore, our girls team won back to back D1 titles to cap off a wonderful 2019.
Practicing more than 2-3 times per week also allowed our players to develop faster, blending into our preferred style of play. Practices may be excruciating for some but the feedbacks have been positive and there has been evident improvement from our young players.
As we flip the page to 2020, we understand our city of Hong Kong has endured a tumultuous year of 2019. We pray that everyone will be safe especially our young players who represents the future of this city. Their safety and growth remain our utmost priority.As Commodores enter its 7th year since formation in 2013. We hope our current players will continue their hardwork and training as the club grows. Welcome 2020!!
