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HK Commodores Vegas trip 2018 is back!!

Commodores 球會除左無間斷既訓練, 參與本地不同賽事, 最重要就係到美國跟當地教練, 球會及球員交流+集訓

今個暑假將會係 Commodores團隊第四次到美國作兩星期既集訓

7月中被挑選既Commodores成員會再次代表球會參加AAU 美國高中學界巡迴賽。

8月初就歡迎球會現役成員或任何 13-19歲青少年球員 報名參與Vegas集訓團 (詳情請Direct Message 球會Instagram查詢!!)

*人數有限, 加上申請美國簽證需時, 所以請從速報名呀!!

HK Commodores Vegas trip 2018 is back!! While July is our annual AAU trip, we are opening our first ever August training camp to the public!! If you are between the age of 13 to 19 years old(boys or girls) and wants to train in the States, contact us for details on how to join!! More info will be announced soon!!

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