2018年回顧 Commodores再有了更大既突破: 球會延續上一年既忙碌, 所有梯隊合共打了共95場香港本地以及海外比賽, 大幅超越了前兩年既總數; 球會再次遠赴美國參與AAU賽事及集訓; 更首度係10月份參加於新加坡舉行既亞太地區青少年籃球比賽!! 球會也增加了不同年齡既梯隊組別, 吸納香港不同區既中小學生加入這個大家庭, 每週進行最少兩至三課練習, 而且也定期舉辦球會活動, 以及參加義工服務, 增進友誼和為社會作出貢獻。踏入2019年, 期望新一年球會在本地賽事可以再創佳績, 成員可以繼續不斷進步, 參與更多各式各樣既練習模式, 突破自己既界限, 一齊推動籃球!!

Bidding 2018 farewell: Team Commodores hope that everyone is enjoying a blazing and different start to the year of 2019. The club continues its successes post-Winter camp and welcomed plenty of new members into our team-oriented basketball family; we made strides in creating our new 14U/15U team as well as insisting on our weekly practices be held at least 2-3times per week, ensuring our players can continue to develop. Practices were often times tough and exhausting but the feedbacks have been positive and there has been evident improvement from our young players.
Our Vegas trip continues to be one of our annual traditions, but this past year we were also grateful to send our very first Commodores Squad to Singapore to compete in the Asia Pacific Cup 2018 (youth basketball). Hardwork, hustle and chemistry were on display as we fought our way to our first ever victory overseas(besides US AAU tournaments). These trips are definitely the top moments of 2018. As the calendar turns, we hope our players will continue their hardwork and training as the club grows and our opportunity increases to compete both locally and internationally because is a universal language and what better than spreading it more around the globe! Happy 2019!