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2016 Vegas AAU


Day 1 Vegas 2016

First training of Vegas: swimming exercise to get our teammates going and fighting jetlag

Day 2 of Vegas 2016

Basketball training正式開始!! 一早就去到沙漠中既Hoop City接受訓練; 完全跟香港不同既練習。體力既消耗係過往的一百倍; 但付出就係希望有成果~~

The C's trained hard for their first morning session, trying all kinds of different drills, improving their dribbling, handling, shooting mechanics and defense. This is only the beginning.

Day 3 Vegas 2016

Relaxing day of training as The C's witnessed local youth league competition and retired NBA players playing pick-up game.

Day 4 of Vegas 2016

Commodores are back at Grand Canyon National Park!!

兩年前球隊去過七大奇景既大峽谷, 所以今次都係非去不可; Luckily we get to take Team Photos at the same Bright Angel point lookout!!

The scenery was amazing. Unforgettable experience for the young Commodores!!

Day 5 of Vegas 2016

First scrimmage was an adjusting experience.

早上intense四小時練習, 跟住就跟本地一個社區聯賽U15 All-star隊打友誼賽。大家發揮尚算好, 不過未適應Vegas天氣&球場溫度, 兩分飲恨。@jerrytkh_5 打出表現, 獲對方教練讚為明日之星。

還有4日練習, 比賽每日都至少打一場。希望大家keep住進步, 默契更好

Day 6 of Vegas 2016

今日沒有練習賽, 繼續不停鍛鍊: low-post skills, dribbling, teamwork……

Day 7 of Vegas 2016

The C's had a rematch with the 15U All-star squad. We stepped up our defense and performed better than our first game. We continue to draw praises from the other team's coach.

下午繼續緊密行程 Commodores 跟社區女子18U 球會打友誼賽, 打出水準, 逼到對手連兩位黑人教練也要作賽(其中一位6'9”高)

Blessed that we get an opportunity to play against great competition and coaches who showed us a few awesome moves. Appreciate the chance to scrimmage with different teams & players.

Day 8 of Vegas 2016

今早再打一場友誼賽, 大戰全內華達州排名第四女子U18隊。大家冇再抽筋, 體能有明顯進步, 一路控制住比賽節奏, 7個球員有得分, 贏46-30, 以3勝1負成績完成所有Vegas比賽。

下午再有兩位黒人教練拉攏大家比賽, 出了一身汗, 獲益良多。之後都交換了電話, 期待下次再去守一個6'9”巨人。

They were all great scrimmages, and we were lucky to go 3-1 despite only having 8 players. Our defense and passing improved a lot; and it was awesome bringing this young group to go sightsee the same places their senior teammates went last time

Day 9 of Vegas 2016

係Hoop City既最後一日, 大家輕鬆操了一課, 打了一場intra-squad scrimmage, 集中番去訓練大家走位&默契。美國幫select隊今次成功打低藍隊!!

One more day in Vegas!! We're gonna miss this!!

Day 10 of Vegas 2016

係Hoop City既最後一日, 大家輕鬆操了一課, 打了一場intra-squad scrimmage, 集中番去訓練大家走位&默契。美國幫select隊今次成功打低藍隊!!

夜晚再到賭城參觀, 觀看免費表演; 又去番上屆師兄們去過既賭場。

One more day in Vegas!! We're gonna miss this!!

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